Okay, Since Exams are done, I have the whole summer enjoying whatever crap/stuff/projects that ive been postponing for a long while.
As for my anime list, well its MONSTROUS!! Im blaming myself for my lazyness and excuses^^;

To-Love-Ru: Manga is still ongoing, while waiting, I might as well watch the anime

Bamboo Blade: I read half the manga, and currently still reading it.

Shakugan no shana I and II: I excused myself on watching this series too many times.

Basquash: Last ep watched was 3, thanks to random curiosity, Im still updated. Thank god I see no Micheal Jordan, moving around in a giant robot^^;

Mazinger Z hen: Though I havent watched any old mecha,I didnt like Mazingers design (mostly because I grew up with gundma design)and a badguy named Dr Hell, its pretty chessy. But it has one of more BADASS Opening, also I just learned he can turn into a GIANT F*CKING FIST

Sora Kake: Last ep watched ep5

Toradora: One of the few better slice of life animes I hae yet to finish.
Mio X Azusa, Doujinshin comin soon, REALLY soonK-on: Researching just how much hate
Snark just accumalated watching the whole series.

Tears to Tiara: Okays the Harem is complete, let the mass fest begin!

Black cat: Proving that guns vs sword isnt as obvious as you think. Also Train finally appeared in To Love Ru manga^^

Melancholy of Haruhi: "Hey s2 came out yay", I dont know why its famous, so this is for curious reason

Tayutama: Its from a nice ero-like game(me thinks,correct me if Im wrong)
Well thats nowhere near half my backlog^^;