Megatron you lucky bastardJust watched TF2 for free... well not the whole thing, I stopped after the Optimus dual sword figho, A rather badass scene showing just how awesome Prime is. I stopped cause I just see no reason watching the whole thing in BAD, CRAPPY, AND F*CKED UP QUALITY. Seriously such quality just doesnt justify the mad CG and effects of this movie, whats worse, the voices are 19 sec late. I would just rather buy the tickets and enjoy it with friends, Its too bad none of them want to pay for their own tickets, and Im poor right naw. Meh I do have a chance freeloading with my cuz...>_>
BTW I hate and envy Megatron(pic related)
lol... DVD?
Err Free online movies, pirated doesnt exist in this country
I watched Dragonball Evolution the way you watched TF2. It wasn't worth every penny that I didn't pay to watch it...
LoL at the pic XD Lucky Megatron bastard indeed!
Pay for a ticket. It worth it. At least for the CGI. :)
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