WOW I didn't post anything for like 3 weeks, Im very disappointed at myself, Im making up right now and in New years eve. Anyway, I dont know if you think Im not vey otaku if I only buy two thing in Christmas, and heres the reason why: 1) Im not rich 2)I dont have a job 3)I didnt get any presents for christmas(I got sumthin better 50$, Hill yeah) 4)BIG BANG PUNCH Mazinger plamo OWNS, It-ll be even more ownage if I got the chogokin ver. 5) Im saving up for a ps3. Lastly I finally got the Mecha Musumune I was wishing for,like 2 yrs. and its on sale, damn I love Evertoys
props for anyone who could point what reference I used for the mini comic, and for correcting one term
Merry Chrismas! ^^ I was wondering what happened to you xD
btw is that Dynames' sniper rifle? =/
Ah nice! Got a good deal from Evertoys, eh? ^.^
>> Astray: Thank you, and I had to go to 2 parties last week, so I didnt have time to make a post or even touch the comp.
Yup its his rifle.
>> LS: They were 20% off and Espadia was on sale. I could have gotten Aegis, but Busou is even more rarer. you have Espadia? Why not Lancamento? I thought you were the "BIG GUNZ" sorta person...but...
I want it more than ever now.
>> ExKuro: Tsk,Tsk,Tsk. Hope It will still be around. I did saw that you ordered a Muv-Luv Figure, cant wait to see that ^^
>> Shion: SHE ON SALE, She's Blue, Her motif is a stag beetle, stag beetle owns(Kuuga owns). Lancemento, she's a missile spammmer, If I wanted a BFG, It was either panzer, Howling, or Zelnogrard. This bought locally btw so I have a limited selection.
Nice loot! Mazinger's Big Bang Punch is awesome! Post the photos when it is done ya~
>> B-Mecha: Hahah, I Sure will
I was planning on getting an Espadia too. And when you say panzer, you DO mean Murmeltier right?
And yes, Zelnograd is indeed LOTSOGUNZ. How compatible are Shinkis and HG parts?
>> Shion: DO plz correct me sir, I have forgotten, and YES I would so bought Zelnograd instead. Shinkis arent compatible with gunpla
Oh. But are Gundam weapons compatible with tiny shinki hands? I want to lump more swords at my Espadia when I get it. There's no such thing as having too much swords.
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