Woot, Finally have a real Mecha musume, and best part of all, Its on sale + the 20%off discount(I think). Box Art is definitely awesome( and I wish I could draw like that).
Box content:
Took a while to actually build the stag mecha. and reattaching the whole thing the figure.
Sword Pose
She's taller than a figma, and is almost as tall as Mazinger(didnt take a pic whoops)
The only thing that really bugs me, is how thin the pelvis joint are, there pretty flexible, it still scares me.
Mecha Musume form:
Lastly you get this Pin code ticket thingy,to play Battle rondo(pokemon pet style), usually I would just rip things like this apart, But this mecha musume, diff story what-so-ever. I admit, I want to see Espadia's personality
They're blade-feets. Of course they're thin. LOL.
And so far, this is the only in-depth(ish) review of Espadia I've found in teh internets. You, sir, just made my New Year better.
BTW, I think this is just an honest typo, but Musumune is just win.
Musume=Girls. Mune=Chest.
kawaii~~ gundam girl >.< LOL
>> Shion: Hahah Your welcome, and thanks btw for correcting me^^;
>> Otakuartist: pretty close^^
Oh and if you like the boxart, I can direct you to the high-res official wallpaper of it. http://www.busou.konami.jp/anniversary/kabegami/espadia_1280.jpg
@EXkuro: It's supposed to have veeerrrryyyyy visible joints. Busou Shinki's are a lot like Angelic Layer, in that they are actually 1:1 scale battle robots.
>> ExKurogane: I dont think thats much to worry about, the back is pretty much covered anyway.
>> Shion: Holy S#it I forgot Angelic layer, anyway thanks for the Wallpaper, and about the question last time, yup she can hold gundam weps
Cool. The weapons are compatible.
Another question: What's the diameter of the peg joints on the biceps/thigh? Is it 2mm (which is compatible with gunpla polycaps) or 3mm?
My friend is all into Busou Shinki that I've started reading the manga coming from Dengeki Hobby. It's actually pretty interesting reading 2v2 battles. Hope the game is just as great...
BTW, where's the other unit to make the combination (the red one).
>> Shion: all I could say,Its not compatible with the gundam joint polycap.
>> Robostrike: Ill be getting the red one soon.
Dang. That put a crimp in my plans.
Looks like you have lots of fun with the toy with so many to battle. like the others, it reminds me of Gundam gals, the sword like Astray Blue Frame and armour like Saint Seiya.
>> Shion: Sorry ~_~
>> Dennis: Heheh, It does look like blue frames GS ^^
For a good few seconds there, I thought this was a figure of Astray Blue Frame Gundam Girl XD. Damn look at all those drill holes on her back D:
>> Z: Astray Blue Frame Gundam Girl will get to that probably march
Ooh I have to leave a comment here. I just started playing Busou Shinki a couple days ago and I am hooked on it. I just ordered a couple Shinki's and will hopefully get them by next week. Let me know if you start playing ^^ I don't think Espadia is in the actual game yet though, hold onto that code for when she does get released. Believe it or not, my wife wants Lancamento, the one that's supposed to be combined with Espadia.
>> Persocom: Espadia isnt out yet,mrmrmrm, augh. Heheh nice choice your wife has, genki gunners^^
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