*Model Itself*
Despite my many gripes at the articulation, It looks really good just standing there(would have been better if polished and topcoated it^^;)The Model has a pretty good balance, due to its weight and bulk, but seriously, its not like its gonna carry something extremely heavy now, right? >=]
Yeah bad lighting, and I kinda blurred the visor with the polishing cream a bit. But need less to say, the mono eye design is striking. BTW, NEVER USE THE EYE STICKER AT ALL!!!
It can turn its head 360, but It cant tilt its head up nor down
Thats about how much I can move it^^;;
*Cockpit section*
Its a lot more fiddling than I though it would *Fingernails required*
Didnt bother putting the pilot. Besides, It keeps falling off, and The pilot is helmeted, I want a Norris Pilot fig not some random cannon fodder dude.
*Thruster Pack*
"no amount of exercise, will do you good"
This is an old model, well not incredibly old, but you shouldn't be expecting such requirements, that's just cruel
*Beam whip/(Grappling hook)Shock whip*
This, deffinitely, doesn't, look like the tentacle like heat rod used by other Gouf models. But hey the theme of 8th MS team is "realism"(a long dead term in Gundam timeline)Its really more of a grappling hook with a built in taser.
"Spider Gouf, Spider Gouf, does whatever a Spider Gouf, does"
*Insert cool Yet blandly displayed action scene*
*Gatling Shield/BFSNSG(Big F**king Shield aNd Sword GUN*
Some insane cluster of equipment there, but heck there very awesome, if not practical for every day killing >=]
Main F**King reason I bought this Gun- I mean Guy. I think the rest is safe explanatory, also Drum fed. Its unfortunate the gun can't disconnect from the shield like it did in the anime
It shoots bullets, not beams, also a considerable replacement for the *Vulcan fingers* The old Goufs used(this weapon was carried over to the design of GSD's gouf)
*I actually have to disassemble the gun to just get the shield* Its a Regular Gouf equipment, too bad the shield was purely solid
*Action Poses*
Oh Did I forgot to mention This was a Clear Part Campaign *points at the obvious* well here it is
At least it looks cooler than freedoms clear parts^^;;
You people should have seen this from a long mile by now
BTW just a personal note, I screwed up ALL the Decals on these guy, and I went lazy with the tube section, seeing as I lost 5 and found 2 of those pipes, and I was afraid of losing anymore. Its a great Kit, for something like 40 bucks maybe, and not bad for a price if your Norris Fan.....
truly a very nice kit.... Maybe I will get it in the future.... If it is on sale and I have extra cash... Cash problems nowadays lol.
looking nice there :D as for my very own selfish liking, mono-eye suits didnt really catch my eyes, maybe because of their proportions (well, i do got my eyes on GSD's monoeyes, in which i consider as nicely proportioned)
good thing bandai is giving HGUC Sinanju soon ^^
This is a nice kit! Love the movement of the eyes.
man, this is what i call a Déjà vu... actually i own this kit too (obviously disassembly) & i love it !!! Goufs & in general terms all the Zeon mechas r not my cup of coffee (they look a bit too oldfashioned) but this guy is really great !!!... to heck with articulation, when all u need is a good looking warrior & not a gymnast =o)
>> Marzz: Yeah Bad economy sucks ^^;
>> Zoidect: HGUC Sinanju is gonna Be Sweet, Once I paint it blue >=], yeah I love how they slimed down The zeon suits in GSD
>> LEon: Thanks, It was hassle though.
>> Chrismandesign: Nice to know that, and yeah forget, articulation, as long as you have "the looks" ^^
I love the detail at cockpit. Awesome! FYI, I have MSIA Gouf custom :)
Where is your MG Guntank and EZ-8? :P
Gouf Custom is awesome monster!!!
The Gatling Shield is the main value for this kit :D
I like the way you add fun in posing when you review the Gunpla. The way Gouf picks up his sword is so like wat we see in the anime. This makes an excellent opponent to my MG Ez8. Ha! Ha!
Can't believe I've been neglecting my blog^^;;;;
>> Mangyver: I liked it too,too bad I didn't paint it.
>> B-Mecha: EZ-8 is nowhere to be found, but heck,I got a lego tank GOUF can plunge its sword too.
>> Aya: Indeed.
>> Dennis: Well by articulation, It will prove to be a challenge^^;;
Oh and I felt the comedy stuff were kinda weak *having idea block suck, ugh*
hguc gouf is good.
kinda want if not because of mg qant.
by the way, kinda hard to comment here, if you don't mind I think it's better to open the [name and website] option.
by the way, I forgot to tell you, my web is changed to Celestial Gundam. the link is stickied at Land of Gundams
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