As a fan of MH, I am happy that there would be another game incorporating the same gameplay as MonHun, except without the problems the game suffered from. Issues that many fans had wanted to be fix by Capcom were left unfix and were worsened as new series were released. A couple of the aforementioned issues are: Unnecessary pose of healing/eating items, hitboxes, characters reaction time, NPC allies are dumb as f-ck, friendly fire and terrible camera angles. Though I only have gripes on three things. The poses your character does after drinking healing stuff, its absurdly unnecessary and stupid, that it leaves you vulnerable, it's more likely to kill you than it heals you. The second and most controversial of all, the terrible hitbox, usually when you think the monster couldn't hit you, since its arms are about 5 inches away from you, you'll still be hit and eventually be sent flying over a distance. Another example, a monster's tail is 10 feet tall[Might be miscalculations plz correct me] above you, it will still hit you. lastly the lovable felyne that could be use as allies,are dumb as f_ck, in fact 98% of my gameplay didnt even include the cats, I only had them for the rewards, then I fired all of them. The other issues are forgivable and a least the loading time for MH has finnaly been minimized in MHFU/MHP 2G. There are factors that makes MH better than GE, factors such as: creating armor and weapons, friendly fire(its both good and bad),Better looking monster, a pig for pet and the diverse amount of weaponry to play with. Oh and there is also the 18+ awesomeness of Udon-yah's doujins, heheheh.

As for God Eater, Im stil in the process of finding,downloading the demo,and waiting for its full release. Though I have seen the gameplay footage.
Giant enemy Craaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbssssssssss, eh???
Its still better to try it hands-on, obviously since that what the fun is all about. The gameplay also incorporates elements from Kingdom hearts(ps2), and Phantasy stars , giving it a free style and fast paced type action. Though this can seem very cliche, expecially if you've been playing a lot of JRPGs. Now some of the stuff that fixes the probs of MonHun: Quicker reaction time, sprint with your weapons, no Hit box issue, no friendly fire and Smart NPC allies. Okay reaction time is already fixed in MonHun 3, but its still anoying. Reaction time, charas could get up faster before being hit again by monsters. Running with your weapon, best thing evar. Smart allies, smart enough to save you and themselves. Hit box isues, confirming. No Friendly fire, your teammates cant piss you off now. Now the factors that makes this game unique to Monhun: Sword/Gun combo, Fashionable characters, Free style play and lock-on option. The weapon, a pure definition of Awesome, not only is it Big fuwking sword/chainsaw, its also a Gun/Cannon, there is also a third mode, the beast mode[?], don't know what its function yet, but its definitely unique. Lock-on option, is one of the controversial factors that MonHun and GE fans are raving about. It locks on to your target, or its parts, and all your attacks is directed to it. MonHun are very much pissed off at this idea, claiming that the game is much easier with this function. As a MonHun player, I knew the hardships and the training one needs to hit a monster part accurately both Gunners and Blade masters, especially Blade masters. Though it was mentioned that Lock-On could be turned off. Speaking of the good stuff, there are factors that makes it less fun than Monster hunter: No Armor, Only one weapon, and no friendly fire. I mentioned the characters are wearing casual to Tommy Hilfiger's fashion, so no armor, at all...means no blue armor damn it. Only one weapon, not really sure if you can upgrade or get more than one weapon, I think you stick with what you get throughout the game. no friendly fire, The fun in MH, you could blow or swing a mate in the air, its both fun and useful depending on the situation.
The manga gives some insight on the weapon.
The "Beast Mode" is able to devour Aragami's,and absorb their power.
And yes, Udon-ya is awesome.
>> Shion: Heheh, thanks for the link, and I think power is needed to fire the gun.
>> Exkurogane: Its only psp, no mentions of it in other platforms. As for MH, its about nothing, its free story, you kill Monsters get there arms and weps. Its mindless but addictive/frustrating.
Ah I love bashing monsters for that quick get away sometimes :D
Too bad its on psp so far! Thanks for the write up will check it out if it launches on the PS3 ^^
>> Chubbybots: Your welcome, and hopefully it does comes out for the PS3^^
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