Im still bothered with regret for not getting Unicorn in its earlier release, and the sad fact is A bunch of these people has made it worse. Since I only buy locally, the stores which I buy most of my plamos, has a crappy website(In which I swear Im gonna at and fix that s#it).
GFF Unicorn, Images from Ngee Khiong

Tempted to buy a GFF because of the detail, thought Im wondering now if the GFF fixed the cheek transformation that wasnt included in the MG
Side note: Im getting the 1/144 because destroy mode looks cute now^^
Bunch - Astray
Of - Z
These - Gundamjehutykai
People - Lupes
whoops! It appears that I'm one of them >.< you forgot to add ngee khiong tho...
Haha it depends really, If you want articulation, I think GFF would be better. Or if you find pleasure in assembling kits like me, go for MG ^^
PS remember the second part that broke for my unicorn? I found out where that piece came from - the waist. Apparently it broke into two pieces... and I only have one of them T.T
so yeah, you also have to be reaaaaaly careful with the MG version.
Hope this helps =D
So you got the "local importer" problem too eh? I was thinking of buying abroad, but Higher price + Uncertainty = veery risky.
IIRC, the MG version is the only kit with a "compete" transformation mechanic as well.
The GFF one will require you to replace certain parts, like the knee armour, in order to switch between the 2.
That's partially how they managed to make the articulation better. The HGUC unicorn comes in 2 completely separate kits.
At times I'm confused whether I want something that's done already or something I want to build. I know I have not time to build, but it's kinda fun to make one, lol. It gets a bit boring if it's already done though ^^;
>> Astray: Thanks for the warning, and did you manage to fix the part.
>> Shion: I dont have a credit card, and a proper job, and I got tricked once too T~T
>> EXKurogane: I just want a big towering robot, that can partly transform. Hmm or something small and more articulate.
>> LS: Since I think your a busy person, I guess you go with the prebuilt ones.
Now that I actually laid hands on a Metal Composite, I can say that they really are a piece of art. The Unicorn looks great and all.. but the MG is just as good provided you put in the effort. I don't feel any "o0o0o!! ahhH!!" from the GFF Unicorn though... I like what I did with my MG more xD. Since my models are just for display, articulation or flaws that doesn't hinder standing doesn't bug me.
The GFF is almost like double the price of the MG so decide carefully ^^;
>> Z: Piece of art you say...mMnMnmn, when you said "doubled" the price, I knew, it was either bankruptcy or a transforming statue :p
GFF Metal Composite is freaking expensive but it should score 200% for the quality. However... MG Titanium finish will give the similar look with less than 50% of GFF price... Think about it? ;)
I plan on getting the HG of Destroy mode because it looks cool... I'm too cheap >_<
>> B-mecha: Just as Z said, but MG titanium finish, is already sold out here, well barely anyone bought it in my area anyways^^;
>> Robostrike: Its still as awesome as its MG counterpart.
hahaha nope not yet... I think i'll just permanantly glue it up since it does not affect the henshin anyways
>> Astray: Thats good to hear^^
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