Oct 30th, my damn school is once again holding up another stupid Halloween event, not that Im saying Halloween sucks and the fact that they tried really hard, Its just those stupid students show up with shitty masks(?) bought from that costume store in town square 0_o. Thank gawd I didnt enter the costume contest, f-cking idiots dressed up as snow white, cartoon frankenstein, and tissue guy, good thing I worked in the cafe instead. The Spartans were cool, but there pretty short lived. As for the helmet you see on top, yeah I built that, completely made out of scrap, duct tape, and more tape, awesome right, If you dont like it/feel like dissing it, GTFO, I made that thing with pure skill and some artistic love. The is the best part of the day though, I met a Ghandi , or someone dressed as him. Scored some BIG participation marks, and I needed that, didnt really do well on current events. I still got candy, but yeah, school was cheap, and I hate stick candy, so I gave it to another idiot. I get to lead a F_CKING ARMY!! Well made out of two people, But I still get to shout----V
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! We were doing Macbeth btw. Too bad I didnt get to pose with the spartans
:NOTE: Im referring to the original real life Date Masamune, not the koei or the Garyfied one