Blehh,a random compilation of stuff Ive been meaning to post but has no time in doing, so I put them up in one whole post to reserve the remaining letters(there going extinct).
> Possibly, Moe-raptor

Baka Raptors cousin, Moe Raptor
>When trolling and parodies made sense

Gawdamn NASA, wheres my space shark

Obama is freaking a kamen rider, wonder if he rider kicked Bushes ass

Why Giant robots never made it to Monhun
>Cursing 00 again

> YEAH MG Victory, huh V1? F_CK that s#it!

I want my MG V2 gundam, not some stupid V1!
They put Baka-Raptor's cousin on display?
HEAR HEAR!!! Give us a V2 MG dammit bandai!!
Having said that, it's cause to be a little happy since it's only a few steps more for a V2 so a V2 Assault buster gundam MG became just a little more likely!
Pleeeeadse Bandai, make one for the front(?) part of Reborns too. And speed up Damashii Savage's release.
Chill, once they have V1, there is better chance for V2 as well.
I want MG Astray Gundam Red Frame with Mars Jacket equipment T___T
You have gone to Jurassic Park! BTW, the GN Cannon is like a bootleg of Seravee Gundam
>> Snark: they may have paid BIG
>> GundamJehutyKai: HEAR! HEAR Give us the V2 Assult! Though I did hear that V2 will be released in 2010
>> Shion: Hahah I hope so... there pretty slow
>> B-mecha: True,but I just want to piss off bandai, and yeah screw Bandais new bland as"h"trays, we want Mars jacket!
>> Dennis: Heheh its free admissions(kidding :p).
Oh fuck, remind me to start using one of those newfangled RSS readers so I know when these posts come up.
@Baka-Raptor: Your cousin's on!!
>> Baka Raptor: I'm an unreliable idiot, so don't count on it
>> Shion: LOL
That Obama pick is full of awesomeness! XD
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