K-on! "A show so meaningless I have no idea why I approved it in the first place"
OOOkay the first time upon watching the PV, I though this is gonna be the best series of last seas...(I have forgotten which season). I take some of it back. Hence its enjoyable, but it was pretty hard watching it in one go. Most of the times random s#it happen which kills me off. I wont go any further as many people has said enough of this moe blob.
Just for the fun of it, one of my
heroes has written a much understandable yet hateful observance of this show
"Sorry for being such an ass"
wow... that's actually quite interesting... I have been downloading the series due to hype, but haven't watched much. I've only seen the first episode, and it seems... amusing. Kinda starts off like Manabi Straight.
I guess some people can't get enough of that moe, while some people are getting sick of it. I guess the only way to judge is to see for myself. :)
>>RadiantDreamer: Haha I have the same reaction, Its actually pretty good to the point where Sawako becomes a real chara. Then most of the stuff relied heavily on the moe factor
Baka-Raptor speaks the truth.
To those stumbling upon this ancient blog filled with grammar errors like myself, I pass along a warning: don't click on that linked review. Don't make the same mistake I did, or else you'll have the misfortune of being assaulted by the verbal diarrhea of the cretin they call, 'Baka-Raptor'
I'm not responsible for any massive amount of brain cell loss that may occur if you click it anyways. Also, pay no need to the delusional comment above me.
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