Hehe, been to busy that I've forgotten to review Alter Saber. Anyway heres my first impressions

Lucky, she has a discount and got her for only 28$

First time opening the box, was the smell of 2 months old paint^^;

Love Alter Sabers face compared to regular and lily, Its scary yet somewhat gentle

And the Head piece/Visor.

Spiky feet is nice and evil

Meh I like her better with the Visor

Man this pose was annoying to do, I hate the revoltech stand for this.

Either this was a bonus or it was really included. Both swords are equally nice.

Some fight scenes is needed for some reason...

Saber challenges OO, OO doesnt get it unfortunately

OO: O shi~!!

Damn you, OO raiser mode!!

Fails a 2nd time




OO Sashimi...
Alter Sabers my fave out of the Saber bunch,If you want Lily I recomend
Lightning Saber