Marasao Indeed has Trans-Am mode

Why did I say that, well there like an uncontrolled number of overpowered suits,hell even mass produced units are a chaos.I miss old times when mass production was truly cannon fodder. Although I can already see this forecoming, I mean in 1st season everything is overpowered, and now it got even bigger.This is one of the primary causes that lead GSdestiny to horrible end, and now Gundam 00 is heading this way.NOT GOOD sunrise, not good
@Gunstray: The old building shot was research for the photography part of the course I'm doing lol.
wow... I guess i spoke too soon, it did get even better. heh heh
I didnt get you there Xeno?
I think you should withhold judgement before seeing the final product
lol TRANS-GrahAM!
i don't know much about the series, but it seems graham is pretty power obsessed and finally he's found a way to match (possibly even beat) the gundams, he must be pretty happy about it. am i right?
Its an early red chritmas for Graham
ps:I tend to call him bullshido a lot^_^;
at least this pretty much promises us an awesome HG release(hopefully a 1/100)sometime in the near future, so ts a red christmas for us too!
BTW all 1/100 gundams have no waist joint(seraphim seems like an exeption)
what a waste of a model, i guess i'll stick to mgs and 1/144's
Its possible that 1/144 / 1/100 Maraso will have a waist, considering his slim and the only gimmick is the twin katanas. Though this is just a suggestion since one doesnt exist yet.
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