Friday, January 23, 2009


Ok, I dont get why people hates marasao, bullshidos/Grahams new ms. First off, Maraso body design, itss a flag with some Ahead, and Maybe some GN-X parts on it. The whole thing looks like a damn awesome samurai.HOW CAN PEOPLE NOT LIKE THAT.WE ALL LIKED MUSHA, SURE HIS FULL SAMURAI,BUT MARASAO HAS THE LOOKS AS WELL,I LIKE MARASO BETTER, ITS BECAUSE ITS SLIM, HAS TWIN KATANAS, AND Trans-GrahAM(LULZ).

Oh well, it doesnt matter until folks read this, and starts throwing garbage at me.Its your choice to H8 it or like it,but im ranting not againt you, or your choice.

PS. It might offend you.


Anonymous said...

I'm undecided on Masaruo at the moment. Gonna wait for its gunpla release before passing the verdict.

Anonymous said...

For me new m.s. of Mr.Bushido is looking like a samurai or a giant bug XD Maybe in anime it will look better .

Gunstray said...

@Paliador:Yup so many says it looks like a beetle,lol. Anyway Marasao is shown in the end of ep 15 and ep 16, a full action of it. It should be epic>:)

Anonymous said...

the masaruo looks great in my opinion. My only problem is that the samurai v-vin is HOOOGE, that and the ankles look a tch fragile

Gunstray said...

Xeno:Who needs ankles when you fly all the time,lolz

die peter pan!!!

Anonymous said...

well, for example, what if you kick something while in mid-air? and having no ankles would make landing very... fun. also the ankles are the most structurally stressed part of any mobile suit (its a fact!)

Anonymous said...

WTF Theres no ankle??