I had one heck of a mind block, and I couldnt figure out what filler comic should I do, and with school going on(right now I have physics quiz, and I should have been studying but Im reminded of you fellow commentors)Will start posting again soon.
BTW, I blame zOMG and cosmic break
oh hey, you're in Cosmic Break too?
I'm hiroy_raind on DOS
it seems there r a lot of ppl busy & with a persistent mental block... when that happens to me, i just let the anarchy of my mind prevails & then bizarre things begin to happen & ppl around me begin to think i’m insane... IDC... at least i don’t hav to do homeworks anymore <@___@>
Hanging in there bro! Since mental block and stimulate it with some brain freeze. Lol... Just joking.... Never say die attitude and good luck. Relax the mind a while to do something you like. Comic or toys?
Can't say anything hahah, Just good luck with you quiz :)
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