Been a long time since Ive done product placement*meh* more like a buy list actually

Now I've been anticipating RG's release ever since
Hiroy and
Ngee, posted the building process, and wow was it intriging. I might buy 3 in the future, and 3, yes

BD's strong amount of poison from those previous comics posted, and I cant help but to look at that "Bold" crotch placement *note to self, buy more shinkis*


Hey If I like one of the 00 s2 gundams, then Ill have to force myself to buy all of them. But I am lovin the design, and 00Q, actually has a BFG/omnislash mode!!

Yah think the folks complaing about Sinaju would shut up, out comes an HGUC version, cheaper and more harder to paint!!

Limited, Sad face :(......

F**king Jason, best accessories ever!, Screw the Alien Queen, This is Awesome!!

Im kinda disspointed Lupin III Revoltechs are gonna be this small, oh well I just want my nostalgia back^^;

YAY!! Justice for the most, Bashed, and most Hated(well not really) Prime/Convoy replacement out there, and missing out on MP Prime, since I was in saudi, and saudi toys r us, are boring as fuck places.
"His a car, Beat that superior spouting radio!"No brainer I like soundwave, and Im waiting for War for cybertron Megs as well, too bad he comes with no casseticons T_T

Reddeco, Who cares, Blurr, finally with a decent body!

Prime doesnt come with his Axe of GAR!!! Disgrace, and his a deluxe, even more disgraceful!!! But Im still gonna get him, compensation for not having the PS3 nor the game, cheaper too^^;