"No more secrets"
Guess its time to spill the beans. When I planned this project, It was going to be ninja build, then my thoughts went to EVA(you'll know later on), but when I mean by Ninja build, I meant finished in less than two months. Well guess what, Ive been working on the same project for a YEAR and 6 MONTHS!!! On this project is label'd, "dont fuwk this up" So I gotta take this real seriously. Oh and I felt kinda jealous people showed their progress and admit their mistakes and are open to criticisms and feedbacks.
Yep Basing it off my (Un)original banner, though Im trying to sway a bit from the design. Guess what Figma(s) I used, and you get...some baked goods
"some scary memorabilia's"
First time making "it" and it reminds me EVA, remember, the EVA graveyard, Ok unless your not eva fan, let me horrify you with these images...

Mwuhahahahahahahahahah>>The owner of the blog is an @$$
Yikes! It looks like a scene from a horror movie >.< That poor poor figma :P
man... 1 & a half year !!! i mean, u wanna finish this someday ??? LOL... & if u talk bout Evangelion, then u mean this project (in project to b projected...) will take at least ten years more to b finished (for the 20th anniversary would b great!)... OO.xx... hehehe... just kidding...
>> Astray: In the name of Scie- Oh what has science done-_-
>> Chrismandesign: Most of the time came from planning and saving up to but the appropriate parts to build it, so far it doings well now.
lol...that will be a nice horror scene.....all those dead figma parts!!
I did think of doing one for my nendoroids though...but probably an SD version haha!
>> Chubbybots: LOL, and the SD ver, "DO IT..." ^^
Keep up the work, can't wait to see the end results ^_^ Creating a Gundam Girl is a bit of chore to do but it's been on the list of things I've wanted to do myself >_< Just that I haven't had the time to do them...
what figure do you use as base Figma or busou shiki ??
woo~ that last picture really horrifying me 0_0
>> Robostrike: Huh, More Motivation to to continue on this DFTP/WISP^^
>> Aya: Figma body
>> EXkurogane: Do tell more>=]
>> Mangyver: YEp, first time seeing the graveyard, and "HOLY crap" Dead heads and bodys with no legs>w<
Funny its nothing more than a mere "dumping ground"
Oh dear lord! NOT RYOMOU!!! How could you!? *shiku shiku* Anyway... It's not my favourite Ryomou outfit anyway. Now if they made the goth loli outfit into a figma then I'd be more upset if you mess it up, lol.
I bet it's one of the Ryomou that was on sale at Sakuramedia or Soul of Anime :P Good work bro!
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