It's My B-day, W00T, meaning random impulse buying is I always do that^^;
Aww Hell Ive been waiting for this guy to hit the shelves on my local, the prob, well cash obviously, and then they freaking hold a NO TAX event, F**KING A I say^^
And it was definitely better than getting a 2nd MG freedom. And now the review Itself.
Model Itself
Pretty fat, but being an super robot, the more Mass, the better!
Orb decorations are already an Insta win, though just asking out of curiosity, what the hell is the purpose of these thing?
It speaks for itself(not literally)
Back pack Wing are well articulated, Its funny how these thing are so small compared to the body, makes you wonder how the hell does it even lift Granzon(rule of srw: never question the impossible)
Chest: Graviton Gun
Chest: Black hole cluster
Some really beautiful details in the chest gun area, needs some serious painting though.
Some really beautiful details in the chest gun area, needs some serious painting though.
Size Comparison: not as Big as an MG but still pretty tall.
Now to show just how much of a "Brick" this guy is.
Um Granzon~
Arms, you see those massive shoulder armor binders, are so big its hard to move his arm, then again he never had much
........ refer to Arms.....
The only articulation Granzon ties 00 with, minus 00 bendy stomach, since his got the chest gun.
Granzon does have more shoulder artulation thanks to the construction of the shoulder joint( I actually almost lost the piece it tends to pop off.)
Legs, Granzon can barely lift its legs, and it can barely bend its leg too.
Granzon does make up for some good looking feet joint, the only problem, its too tight.
Granzon comes with 5 hands and 4 caps in total, 2 closed first 2 open plam, and 1 sword hand
Gran Sword, Its...So...F**KIN...AWESOME!!! Oh did I mention it puts all the BFS(big f'in sword) to shame, then again It was never close to beating Zengars, heheh.
The sad thing is, I dont even know the safety rating of my blog, should I even allow this, ~Meh~
Mazinger aint so special no eh, Hah(Snarks gonna kill me for this)
Linebarrel has finally been upstaged by much cooler looking Robot, carrying a scissor just for the laugh of it.
Doing an "EPIC EXIT ASCEND/ENTRANCE DESCEND, and the funny part, the figma stand can support Granzons weight, compared to my flimpy old action stand base.
A REALLY AWESOME Kotobukiya Kit, though not given much justice to how I built it(didnt bother cleaning nubs) Its still great as a Stand Alone, also great improvement from the plastic to the way the joints are made.
Hey it is my B-day, I have the right to Gloat at your faces, HAHAHAHAHAHa, unless you make more than that in a weak then...I still laugh at you!

I would still prefer to have this kit though ^^;