Despite the fact that I H8 Kotobukiya, there the only one who manufactures all types of anime robots, especially SRW.I would have bought MG wing zero If I didnt find these guy lying there "everytime" I go to my local store, and Im still pissed of that it has the same price as A MG wing zero>_<

Nice Box >_>

Yup the face is painted= +10$

"Sprues for the Sprue GAWD!"
Finished Product:

Took me longer to build compared to regular 1/144

This guys pretty sharp,Its hard to handle this guy without puncturing yourself every time you move it

Damn ankle blades cut deep into my thumb despite being plastic >_<

It even puts my old pocket knife to shame^^;

Frontal shot: Face is pretty awesome looking all fierce, love that green eye/orb part, Horns and shoulder blade are sharp as well and Waist looks almost similar Izanagi's

Doesnt this pose remind you of Zone of enders, and Persona^^

The heels can fold back via part swapping

Sheath is actually useless, just look at how long that sword is

I hate this type of part swaping

Damn Arm joints keeps popping off.

Damn pelvis joints keeps popping off

Also has additional sitting articulation, kinda like MG zakus

Back shot: sexy

Heheh, Love that marking. Panel lining this as soon I get one

Forgot to mention that the open hands can do a burning finga/destiny palm. Damn that Gonzo leaving such a cool function >=[
Action shots:

I love this pose^^

If you know me well, you should have no problem choosing which I prefer

Faceoff of the Two horns^^;
Insert random: Meh just wanted to jump on the bandwagon of creating 4 komas

Obligatory blood shots, inspired by
Aces review