Yes thats my desk all dirty and filled with junk ,ever since Summer started.=w=
My Janitorial GN-X, Just fired him earlier today.
On the side note, plz treat Janitors with respect,If it weren't for them, your place would look like s#it, or Even MOAR S#ittier
The narration is cute! Nice GN-X!
Is this gonna be your blog's 'thing'? Hard to admit, but the comic thing's quite good, since gunpla/plamo blogs are dime a dozen nowadays.
Nice sprue-mop anyways. Might make one myself.
Giant robot janitor is the greatest idea in the history of ideas.
>> Dennis: Thanks
>> Shion: Didnt know plamoo comics are worth it, besides this are supposed to be drawn comics. I might do a few every now and then.
YES make a Sprue Mop and beat 00 raiser with it >:]
>> Snark: This should be in the Hall of greatest Ideas ever made
At least you have gundams to clean ur place for you, I have to do it myself = =" LOl is really in a mess!
>>Hirsohi: Haha The advantages of having robots.
>>Willie: I have too much junk on my desk ^^;;
LoL Beam mop, eh? XD
This is some funny stuff. LOL
Nice GN-X by the way!
>>Lighting & G.G.: Thanks! ^^
Beam Mop: One of the most useful equipment created for Mobile suits since the advent of Mobile suits. It uses a modified Beam Saber to produce the distinctive, mop-like appearance.
It has been well used in battles to 'clean' the opposition.It also cleans dirty colony walls, and solar panels aboard the orbital ring.
>> Shion; Due to your effort and description, I will make a refined version of the "Beam Mop" ^^
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