Reborn Gundam looks realy nice,and it looks like Lancelot

-Goodbye 00 raier(or not)
-Healing death was prety amusing, Hallelujah killing touch>=]
(Damn it she was my fave inovade)
-Revive dies as well, Lockon doesnt die(YAY)
-Setsuna vs Ribbons was very satisfying,Glad to see Exia again^^
-Though If ribbons exceed that of inovators, why the hell was he fighting with an outclassed MS?
-Marina had a pretty long monologue thanks to that, Graham was merely shown.Oh well lets hope his in the movie
-Patrick lives, also his marrying Kati^^
-Gundam 00 movie date 2010(Edited thnx Astray)
Random Curiosity Gundam 00 s2 ep 25(END)
wth???2020? u meant 2010 don't u?
Whoops sorry^^;
"Though If ribbons exceed that of inovators, why the hell was he fighting with an outclassed MS?":
For the same reason Setsuna was fighting reborn gundam while piloting exia, its all that was available to him
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