Heres a review of the the yellow machina, Hind kind from GA graphics

SPRUES,SPRUES,SPRUES!!! Theres ots of them, something that most 1/144 builders wouldnt expect,and I like it.

Leg can bend pretty far

The pelvis joint can swivel back and forth as seen,

lower torso already has great articulation, well minus the feet.BTW I dont see any feet

Its too bad that the arm artiulation wasn't shown

More ball joints for the upper torso

For a fat bulky mecha it looks damn awesome, even without action poses.Thought it would have been nice to show off all those ball joints in action^_^

LOLZ. Hind kind's bigger than the stand.

Size comparison. According to Ngee Khiong:"Unmatchable" as I said, because the height of this model is 180mm, which is the height of a regular MG.