The release date for Astray is Mar,09
Anyway we already know that the it will be using PG Strikes frame.

>:] New Gerbera Straight design,F-ing sweet!!!

here the PDF File link:
Here the prototype pic.
They just have to make it clear^_^;

Images from:Gunota.Info and Ngee Khiong
I see bandai is getting smarter, FYI the strike and the astray share the EXACT SAME FRAME, therefore all they had to do to create a new PG is slap on some new armor and armaments and presto! instant $150+ model! and since the strike and the astray were both close in the favouritism race in SEED, so sales shouldn't be problem
True As I said The strikes frame will be used on Astray.
Sales may have a problem though, considering that most people wont have much money to spare for this release. Also BTW Im In Canada, and I see a lot of unbought PG.The good thing is they get lower!!!
Hmmm... i live in Toronto and the PG's i see are all regular priced and since I'm in the process of upgrading my computer, now is defenetly not the time to be buying any models. BTW which stores are you looking at? cause my favorite gunpla store is having supply issues, so no gunpla T_T
The place where I live at has 2 types of store,Actually 3. Well theres "Ages 3 and up"(I know it sucks),"Sakura media"(official canadian anime store,so late on releases)the third store I dont know,Its pretty far,But my cousin says its as close as you could get to Jap anime store.
Sakura IS a chain, but both stores are in BC -_-, i do have an uncle there tho, so i could possibly ask him to pick something up and ship it to me and pick me up something and Ages Three and Up is "no longer operating"
For sakuramedia, well that store is so LATE when it comes to new releases and updates, hell they don't even update their own site!!
BTW I live in BC area. So its in my reach.
have you checked out hobbywave? i believe they have an office or something in BC and they have pretty good prices
sry about the dp, but does anyone know if the gerbera straight is chromed like the 1/100 version? and does anyone have any new updates/links?
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