How bout something for valentines day. The day when I celebrate being forever alone ^^;;;
Oh Charlotte/Charles, yourtoo fucking cute. And the fact she was a trap(pretty obvious during the ep 5) was major bonus on my waifu list, screw the First childhood friend, the british bitch, and chinese childhood friend, .The (reverse) trap and the German eye patch girl are my picks.
So hows your day, I got free chocolates and my paycheck.
So hows your day, I got free chocolates and my paycheck.
Back to the WIP
Nope, what I meant was, the paint was screwed in the arms, The arms are fine...now its the whole body thats screwed up with the paint. gotta fix all of this before next saturday
And yeah Happy valentines day, now throw away or recycle your newspaper if your planning to get dating tips on it.
This project got fuwked. T_T
This project got fuwked. T_T