"One eyed Mizuchi of the islands...now all he needs is some cool shades"
same old same old, (I'm lazy but its the smae old box packaging)
*In the flesh,or plastic, the figure Him/itself*
*Now The Box content*
Not that much, you got his Anchor, Hands, Stands, Effect stand, Face, Good ol Orange box, and "useless" coin
*The Head*
Problem with his default face, its hard to detach...unless
You have Face obsessed prime/Bay Convoy. Jk ^^;
And The face expression is still laughable, though its better atleast
Boy are you gonna be surprised to what I have to say after this section
*The Arms*
*The Arms*
Chains with revoltech joints(actually one of them popped off, but thankfully, I managed to fix it)
Yes, He can surf on his anchor, whichever way he chooses to ride on it, its still hilariously awesome, and ridiculous.
*This is so Blasphemy, but a complaint section!*
yeah sure extra articulation...
Fucking GAPS!
MORE FUCKING GAPS( and yes the neck has gap as seen in the Head section)!!
The sash keeps popping off in this area(btw his pants come with fake pockets)
And...this...Really revoltech
WOW When I bought this Figure, I though it stood the same level as Date would, seing his newer and shit. Well I really sont have any complaints with Date, his Structure design is Solid. Now Chosokabe, (dont hate me for this Chosokabe fans Hate Revoltech for this) His really flimpsy, his loose and That Gaps, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!! I hate those Gaps, They dont even need to be there, I would fill those gaps Right now, If I had the right paint to do so, FFFFFF!!! Now The looseness issue, The arms, there pegs joints wont fully fit in the arms propperly thus it tends to fall off. ANd The Right leg, Though this couldprbably be mine, but it doesnt seem to be fully attached to its socket compared to the left leg. Im Dissapoint Revoltech.
Lookie, a silver lining in the chains
Now if it werent for my SRW fanboyism and insane(frankensteinish like) ideas...
...We would get this!
"Hook has nothing on me >=]"
Eat your Heard out The End and Neo Getter
Fishing...o_0...and no chair?
Well I'm a pansy then
"Im on a Boat bitch!"
"Im on a Boat bitch!"
So this guy worth it after that ridiculous rant of mine a few sections ago, well...hmm, I'd still say go for it, even if your not a Sengoku basara fan(though I have no idea how you can't like that show)But you will be bugged at how loose this guy get after a few play and posing. Now if only they gave him that adorable little Parrot in the game and the anime would I consider droping all this crap that I just mentioned(yeah right)