Release August 26, 2010(Jap) No confirmed release date(US)
This is the game related, related to the animation "MonHan Diary: Giri-Giri Felyne Village", from the summer anime catalog. Not much, except, THIS IS PROBABLY THE CUTEST GAME YET FOR THE PSP!!! Animal crossing anyone?^^
Screen shots

SO true :)
lol PSP game?
this more likely NDS for me ^^
and that's more strange that this comes from Monster Hunter
>> Aya: Gladsome one agrees
>> Divinelight: From Blood gushing decapitating violence, to kid friendly adoration^^;
am i in the right blog ??? cuteness !!!??? where r the blood & the guts here ??? why the tires r rounded & not squared ??? i love cats & i hate cute games... O___X
Am I seeing things or... *splashes eyes with Dettol antiseptic*
No I'm not, wait... my eyeEEEEYAAAAARG~!
LOL never expected to see something like this here XD It really does have an Animal Crossing look to it. I don't really know anything about Monster Hunter but this isn't what I expected. It is cute. I think my son would get a kick out of it.
Cute nice game suitable for all ages. I hard have time for console game now. Sigh....
>> Chirsmandesign: Yes sarge in the right blog. LOL!
>> BD77: MWUHAHAHAHAH!! Go show this Yui^^
>> Persocom: Monhun, is basicly mindless addictive tail decapitating and poaching random animals bigger than a car^^ But yeah its cute.
>> Dennis: Oh well not much good stuff comin
ahahah, CUTE!
I remember seeing the soft toys of the pigs, so they are from monster hunter series, I never knew >.<
You know, I once complained that the Monster Hunter series are kinda repetitive and need something new (I still enjoyed it though).
but this is... O_o
>> Heathorn: Pigs name is Poogie, Hahah^^
>> Hiroy: Unexpected, This is actually a dream come true for me.
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